Survey Responses: Question 5: What, do you think, you need to do differently to meet the needs of your students?

These are questions taken directly from the survey I created and passed around to teachers from elementary to higher education.  Each bullet is a separate person's answer, and some include quotes with permission from the teacher.  All others are anonymous.

5.)  What, do you think, you need to do differently to meet the needs of your students?
  • Need more 1 on 1 time.  Provide more feedback on work.  Need teaching assistant.
  • Need to be more harsh with discipline in order to reflect real world consequences.  -- Jeff Miller
  • I need to get technologically smart in order to teach with all the new tech stuff.
  • Use more technology.
  • I'd like to use more technology in my classroom and have my students use programs that would help them improve their English.  We have very limited access to computers unfortunately.
  • I need to find new ways to motivate students, especially those who generally lack it. -- Justin Gorham
  • Better technology.  Students have to use very outdated computers that don't work well at all.  --  Terry Villemure
  • Changes every year because their needs change.  Key: stay flexible with teaching methods.
  • I need to do a better job of relating the course content to their lives and demonstrate how they might use it.
  • I would be better able to consistently meet the needs of my students if class sizes were smaller (more one on one time with students) and if ample amounts of current materials were available. 
  • I try to emphasize organization and structure.  I try to keep the classroom less chaotic.  I try to provide structure that might not be provided elsewhere. 
  • I need to put more responsibility on them.  I also need to learn how to teach many different types of learners in one class.  --  Angela Balch 
  • More tech, but most of the teachers I know do whatever they need to do in order to reach their students, but the students don't do their part. 
  • That's a tough one, because much of what I think I need to do will not happen in this district soon!  Class sizes are very large in my lower levels, making individual help more difficult.  Upper levels would benefit from access to more, and more current, technology. 
  • Transform the music education they receive before they come to high school. 
  • If I know that I would be doing it.  I ask myself, and my students, this same question constantly.  --  Leslie Blanding 
  • Lately it seems that I need to teach more and more basic skills -- English and math especially -- to meet the needs of my students.  --  Cornelia Reisman 
  • To meet the needs of our students, we constantly change methods, so it's difficult to say specifically what I need to do differently... the moment I know how I need to change, I do.  I think maybe it's the key -- a willingness to be flexible and adapt to each student's particular challenge is vital to meeting his/her needs.

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